Welcome to Murnane Oral Surgery : Nenagh 086 1449583


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Pain is normal after any dental extraction and will normally resolve in several days with the use of a regular painkiller and warm salty mouth wash.

Some patients will require an antibiotic if infection is suspected or if there is a strong chance of infection developing. Infection will prolong pain but once the antibiotic kicks in the pain should start to ease.

Occasionally an extraction socket will remain painful for several weeks or even months, for no apparent reason.

In these cases the options for management are limited.

1: Time and regular mouth washes and analgesics and hope the body will heal itself.

2: Antibiotics combined with time and mouth washes. Sometimes there will be a stubborn infection and a long course of antibiotics or several different antibiotics will eventually get on top of the infection and allow easing of the pain.

3: Clean out the socket. If the above all fail and x rays show nothing obviously wrong or anything left in the extraction socket then opening up the socket and cleaning the socket will usually allow the socket to heal. It is unclear why this works, but it is presumed that there is some small amount of debris in the socket preventing healing and removing this allows healing.

4: If all of the above fail then referral to a pain management specialist is often the only course of action available.

Sedation is a technique for giving a drug into a vein to make a patient sleepy.

While a patient is in this sleepy state it’s possible to remove wisdom teeth leaving a patient with no or little memory of the procedure.

While nobody is actually asleep, people think they were asleep.

Recovery usually takes about one hour and you can head home.

Sedation allows much quickeraccess to treatment. Reduces treatment time and speeds up recovery. Sedation is also much safer than a general anaesthetic.

Dr Murnane uses iv sedation to remove wisdom teeth in Nenagh.

Pstients from as far afield as Limerick, Tipperary Town, Clonmel, Thurles, Roscrea, Birr and Portumna and much further afield come to Nenagh for treatment.

Dr Murnane is a registered Specialist Oral Surgeon.

If you live in Thurles you have several options for removing wisdom teeth.

Dr Murnane based in Nenagh, 30 minutes from Thurles and treatment available on the same day as your consultation. You can expect to be finished treatment within 90 minutes of attending.

Dr Murnane works with sedation which speeds up treatment and recovery and it also makes accessing treatment very convenient.

Otherwise you will have to travel to either Limerick or Cork for a consultation and return another day for treatment.

Treatment will take a full day carried out under general snaesthetic. This means it takes 2 days plus the expense and inconvenience of traveling twice.

Generally Speaking wisdom tooth removal can happen in one of 2 ways.

It’s possibke to either push them out or you can cut them out.


Upper wisdom teeth can be pushed out in between 5 seconds and 30 seconds depending on the position of the tooth.


Lower wisdom can offen be pushed out in between 20 and 30 seconds.


Any wisdom tooth that cannot be pushed out can normally be cut out. It takes about 7 minutes from start to finish to cut a tooth out.

Having a tooth cut out feels similar to having a big fillings done. But unfortunately cutting out teeth will cause bruising and swelling which will take about one week to resolve.

Its an Oral Surgeons job to make the removal of wisdom tooth look simple. The quicker and simpler the extraction the less pain and swelling after. Also the risk of developing side effects is much lower, but not eliminated.


Recovery depend on the amount of work needed to remove your teeth.

Simple extractions will leave you tender for a couple of days and no more.

Some people require surgical extractions and might need stitches to help close the wound. These sutures will dissolve.

Sometimes, the surgery causes bruising, swelling, and pain, which like any bruise will resolve over one week as long as there are no infections or dry socket.

Recovery from wisdom tooth surgery will be gradual, but people should see some improvement every day.

The healing process can be broken down into the following stages:

The first few minutes A blood clot will form.

The next morning, bruising and swelling is at its worst.

The next 2 to 5 days: Swelling of the mouth and cheeks should improve. pain should ease.

The next 7 to 10 days: Jaw stiffness and soreness should go away.

After 2 weeks the bruising on the face should have healed.

Recovery time will be different for everyone. If blood clots become dislodged from the wound, or the wound becomes infected, recovery may take longer.

If teeth require more surgery for their removal they will take longer to heal.

 How to speed up healing

Blood clots will form in the place where the tooth was removed. Blood clots are an essential part of the healing process because they:

  • help prevent too much bleeding
  • protect the wound from infection
  • allow new tissue to grow
  • protect the exposed bone

It is particularly important not to dislodge these blood clots in the first 24 hours. People should avoid:

  • brushing the extraction site
  • excessive exercise
  • rinsing the mouth
  • chewing
  • smoking

It is a good idea to gently rinse the mouth with antiseptic mouth rinse and warm salty water after 24 hours and regularly for 10 days

What can you do immediately after surgery?

People should take the advice of their dentist or surgeon on how to aid recovery.

People will not be able to drive for the rest of the day if they have had sedation.

If possible, it is a good idea to take 1 or 2 days off work or school after surgery.

It is essential to keep the wound clean while it’s healing

  • using an antiseptic mouth rinse to prevent infection such has Cordodyl or Kin.
  • rinsing with warm water and salt to reduce swelling and soothe sore gums
  • raising the head when sleeping to feel more comfortable

As well as pain, some people will feel tired after having their wisdom teeth out and might choose to avoid exercise for a few days after the surgery.

  • soup
  • Ice cream
  • Smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • jelly
  • soft noodles
  • eggs
  • mashed potato

For the first few days after surgery, eat within your comfort zone. If it feels ok to eat something it’s ok to eat it. If eating is excessively sore use softer food. It’s essential to keep the wounds clean with warm salty water after eating.

Removal of Wisdom Teeth in Nenagh. In June Dr. Dermot Murnane opened his new clinic.  The Nenagh clinic is within easy reach of most of north Munster and south Leinster. This clinic is providing a same day service. Treatments include  the extraction of wisdom tooth. routine extractions. The exposure of teeth and biopsies. The catchment area extends from Thurles to Ennis, Killaloe to Clonmel  and Limerick to Tipperary Town.

Sedation is available for  those who prefer not know about or remember their treatment.

Opening  on Mondays initially. In 2019 the clinic will be opening Mondays and Thursdays to expand availability of our services. For an appointment phone Bridget on 086 1449583 or e-mail drmurnane@gmail.com.

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